Escape the SaaS trap: Control your data, ignite innovation

In this article, Kristian Arvidsson, CEO of Geins, delves into the importance of owning your data and maintaining flexibility in a SaaS-driven IT environment. Drawing inspiration from the classic film Heat, Kristian explores strategies for navigating the SaaS landscape, avoiding common pitfalls, and leveraging your data to drive innovation and business success.

Famous restaurant scene in the movie Heat
Famous restaurant scene in the movie Heat

A guy once told me, don't let yourself get attached to anything you aren't willing to walk out on in thirty seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner.

This advice from the classic film Heat isn't just about high-stakes thievery; it’s a crucial strategy for navigating today’s SaaS-driven IT environments. The ability to move swiftly and adapt without being weighed down is more essential than ever.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of software-as-a-service (SaaS), businesses often find themselves handcuffed to platforms that no longer serve their best interests. This reliance can stifle innovation and adaptation, leaving companies at the mercy of vendor roadmaps and unexpected price hikes.

  • Own your data and its pathways

Your data is not just an asset; it's the lifeblood of your company. If you don't control your data, you don't truly own your business. Owning your data involves more than just housing it—it means controlling its pathways, integration points, and leveraging it to create business value.

  • The real cost of SaaS

SaaS enables access to sophisticated software that might be too costly or complex to develop in-house. However, keep in mind that these solutions are designed to serve a broad range of businesses, possibly including features you don't need or lacking features that are critical to your operations.

  •  Ability to move

Stickiness—the attribute most loved by SaaS vendors because it locks businesses into their ecosystem—can be a double-edged sword. While it offers stability, it also reduces flexibility. Owning your data and its pathways means your SaaS solutions can be replaced, letting market forces work in your favor.

  • Rent non-core systems

Rent systems that aren't differentiators, like ERP, CRM, CMS, and e-commerce platforms. This approach provides flexibility and reduces the overhead of maintaining complex systems internally. The key is to ensure these systems are seamlessly integrated and that you maintain control over the data they generate.

  • Always have a plan for value creation

Every business needs to have a plan for building value within their IT stack. This means creating a system where data and connections are not just integrated but optimized to enhance operational efficiency and strategic insight.

  • Invent the tools you need to differentiate

With a good balance of owning and renting, you can focus on building tools that differentiate your business. Your IT infrastructure should enable differentiation, not hinder it.

Why this matters for Geins

Embracing this is a core part of our vision at Geins. Our flexible, API-first platform ensures seamless integration with other systems. We’re committed to not just providing a service but empowering our clients to stay agile and unconstrained.

💡Remember, rent to move fast and own to build value. The heat is always just around the corner. Don't just play by someone else's rules—make the game your own. Be ready to move.


Kristian Arvidsson